Packaging and Branding


Zambelli Brand Design has been integral to the growth and success of Surf’n’fries®, a California-themed chain of fried potato bars with over 50 outlets worldwide. Over the course of a decade-long partnership, Zambelli Brand Design has crafted and implemented all brand touchpoints, including visual communication, packaging design, and graphic standardization for franchise needs.


Surf’n’fries embodies the spirit of freedom and choice, drawing inspiration from 1950s California surf culture to offer a unique dining experience. Zambelli Brand Design has played a pivotal role in shaping the brand's identity and supporting its expansion by creating cohesive visual elements that resonate with customers across diverse locations.


Our approach has been rooted in understanding Surf’n’fries' brand ethos and target audience while staying true to its California-inspired theme. Drawing on the concept of freedom associated with surfing, we developed visual elements that convey a sense of choice and lifestyle. From the initial graphic design in 2008 to ongoing brand development, we have worked closely with Surf’n’fries to ensure consistency across all touchpoints, including packaging design and graphic standards for franchises.

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The collaboration between Zambelli Brand Design and Surf’n’fries has yielded remarkable results, contributing to the brand's exponential growth and global presence. The packaging design project, in particular, received recognition on Packaging of the World website, underscoring the effectiveness and creativity of our approach. With over 50 outlets worldwide, Surf’n’fries continues to thrive as a beloved destination for fried potato enthusiasts, with Zambelli Brand Design playing a key role in shaping its visual identity and brand experience.

Field of work:

Brand Strategy

Brand Verbal Identity

Brand Visual Identity

Brand Implementation


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