Verbal Identity

Verbal Identity

Your brand name stands at the forefront between your organisation and your customers, and it will be with you for many years to come. Choosing a unique brand name is crucial and we help you to choose it wisely.

What is Verbal Identity?

Visuals are not the only part of the brand identity. There is also the verbal component, which in the narrowest sense of the word is the name of the brand itself, but it also concerns the overall marketing messages that the company conveys towards its target group. Therefore, verbal identity is all that your brand communicates through specific and carefully selected words and language style, used in a dialogue with your audience.

Why do you need a verbal identity?

Investing in your brand identity is a smart move, but don't overlook the crucial role of aligning it with your verbal identity. Here's why it matters: a mismatch between visuals and messaging can send mixed signals, hindering your brand's impact and creating confusion. However, with the right branding and a well-crafted marketing message, you can reinforce your brand strategy and create a harmonious brand experience.

Your brand name is more than just a label – it's a long-term companion for your business. It will be the one name that defines your company throughout its journey. Think of it as a dynamic duo with your logo, forming a powerful launching station for your brand. From this foundation, all other brand elements, including potential future sub-brands, can evolve and flourish.

Creating the right brand name that hits the mark with your potential customers is not a simple process. That’s why it’s important to get this part of your verbal identity right from the start, because it’s probably not going to change soon; maybe never. You can read more about brand naming here in our blog.

Verbal identity example

The easiest way to illustrate this is through an example we created for a specific restaurant in Dubai, characterized by
a relaxed atmosphere, free dressing and five-star food. 
We called it Leen’s in the rebranding process.

Here’s why Leen’s:

In the psychology of “people prefer to identify with people rather than brands”, we have selected restaurant owner Claudio Leenders as the central figure and shortened his last name to a more memorable version.

From an audio point of view, the name Leen’s is reminiscent of the English word “lean”, which resonates well with the restaurant’s ideal health-conscious audience.

Finally, Leen has a geographical value since it is an Arab female name, which means softness and gentleness – which is practically synonymous with the service and approach Leenders cherishes in his team – but also the lifestyle and wellbeing that is relatable to the target group.

As for the product category, we came up with the phrase “Casual to gourmet”, which also works as a restaurant slogan. Since the concept of this restaurant is completely new in relation to typical types of restaurants, we wanted to emphasize this and have actually defined a completely new category of restaurant.

Want to add character to your business?
Contact us:
Zambelli Design d.o.o.
Trpimirova 3, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia