Panissimo - Case Study


Panissimo self-service vending machines, buying bread made quick and easy, a new brand on the market.

Reginex is a family-owned business that has been operating for almost three decades. In addition to offering traditional bakery products and goods, Reginex has supplemented its offerings with a new service: “Bread Stations”, i.e. self-service bread vending machines, and we have been entrusted with the task of shaping their new brand.

Reginex is synonymous with good Istrian bread. While their beginnings might have been modest, the quality of their products was immediately recognized on the market, and the company grew and expanded its offerings of baked goods over the years. Their baked goods are of the highest quality and affordable to everyone, and are always in demand in stores, malls, and other retail chains.

Nowadays, where contactless sales have become a kind of new standard, they came up with an idea that no one has brought to the market so far – self-service bread vending machines – vending machines that would always be filled with fresh baked goods, nicely packaged and protected, and available 24 hours a day.

Panissimo brand strategy

Panissimo “Bread Stations” are available 24 hours a day and located, for now, throughout the region of Istria. Over time, the concept could easily be extended to other Croatian regions and cities.

The vision of this brand is focused on the customers and emphasizes the importance and need for bread and freshly baked goods. That is why a completely new name, trademark, and communication guidelines had to be devised.

Therefore, we needed a new brand strategy that included:

  • The story behind the brand
  • The essence and philosophy of the brand
  • Brand experience and expected experience
  • Brand name and product categorization
  • Brand personality and character
  • Defined target groups
  • Brand position on the market

Panissimo – from bread to innovation

Reginex believes that bread is more than something that is simply served with a meal, but rather is the basis, foundation, and symbol of the mealtime itself. Bread is what connects the family members, busy with their own lives and responsibilities, and gathers them at the table, at least once a day. This is why it’s important that it always be available and at their fingertips. This is how Reginex came to the idea of ​​self-service bread vending machines.

It could be safe to say that there is almost no Istrian who has not tried Reginex homemade bread or at the least, Bobule, a widely known special type of bread consisting of 10 smaller circular rolls which resulted from a creative solution to the lack of loaf pan – similarly, the very idea of ​​placing freshly baked bread in stand-alone vending machines, typically used only for coffee and beverages, is creative and original and has no competitors in the whole of Croatia and beyond.

These new “Bread Stations” could become the local neighborhood spot where you can quickly and easily buy quality baked goods, made traditionally from home-grown ingredients following original recipes.

Panissimo – a unique Istrian product

First and foremost, Panissimo is quality, freshly made bread using natural ingredients, following traditional recipes and techniques. There are no frozen ingredients, additives, or pre-made flour mixtures often found in bakery products used. Everything is done according to proven recipes, from home-made ingredients, with a lot of love and experience.

Panissimo self-service vending machines offer baked goods that customers love and look for the most: Bobule, Homemade bread (400 grams), Cornbread, Pumpkin bread, Baguette, Donuts, Croissants, and Sliced ​​toast bread.

Panissimo – fast and convenient

A new brand requires an original name and with Panissimo we wanted to convey a warm, familiar, and friendly feeling, with a touch of Istrian tradition.

The Panissimo brand is inspired by the strong historical ties between Istria and Italy. The brand name – Panissimo, is unique and in its roots has the Italian word “pane”, which means bread. The suffix -issimo, a superlative in Italian, is used to indicate that something is of the highest quality. This is how the word Panissimo was created and became the new name of a young Istrian brand.

Additionally, in order to present a new way of bread distribution and enable its constant availability, the product category needed to be unique and visible. That’s how we came up with the idea: “24/7 Bread Stations”, which perfectly outlines exactly what Panissimo vending machines offer: bread stations that are “open” 24 hours a day.

For the visual identity, the Panissimo brand logo is drawn around the silhouette of bread to create a link to the Panissimo product. When drawing this shape, not any bread was drawn, but the one for which Reginex, the parent company of the Panissimo brand, is best known: bread formed from a loaf pan.

Buying bread at Panissimo self-service vending machines is very simple and user-friendly – just like the Panissimo brand, its visual and verbal identity and the design of the machines. We used the same philosophy when creating the slogan: FAST AND CONVENIENT.

The strong contrast between the brand colors, black and yellow, which were inspired by the color of bread, contributes to better visibility of the vending machines in the retail space, and in combination with striking typography makes this brand memorable and unique.

Brand personality

Since customers identify with people much more easily than with brands, we assigned some human characteristics to the Panissimo brand that helped us develop our visual and verbal identity.

After considering many elements relevant to this process of brand personification, we concluded that Panissimo in human form would be a man, more precisely a friend, who is reliable, helpful, accommodating, and always cheerful and smiling.

Friend – because you can always count on it and because it is always there for you, 24 hours a day

Reliable – because it is available and always offers what you want (the bread you love)

Friendly and cheerful – because even if it’s a vending machine, it has this human component that gives off a good feeling of warmth

Useful – because it is used every day and works whenever you need it, at any time of the day

Traditional values ​​- because it values ​​the tradition of eating bread, but also respects the experience in bread making that Reginex has

Innovative – because it offers something new, i.e. a new way to access and purchase baked goods thus simplifying your life

Panissimo – brand experience

The most important thing for the Panissimo brand is to provide both existing and new customers with fresh, traditional baked goods at their fingertips and to never forget its origins and succumb to mass production destroying the quality it is known for.

Panissimo instills a sense of confidence in its customers that they can count on there always being bread, with warmth and familiarity towards its customers, which is felt even through automated sales.

Panissimo means always available homemade, delicious, and traditionally-prepared bread, which through the use of vending machines, solves the daily needs of every family simply, bringing fresh bread that much closer to home.

For Istrian and Croatian families who buy and eat bread every day, Panissimo is the first choice for quality baked goods, made from natural ingredients, following traditional recipes utilizing 24-hour fermentation, always fresh and available at your fingertips.

Panissimo joins the tradition of authentic products and reliable services with the innovation of modern technology, working and simplifying your life by providing the bread you are looking for at any time of the day (and night). Panissimo is a “personable” vending machine with elements of humanness and warmth from freshly baked bread, and a desire to unite people because Panissimo believes that shared, small moments make life more beautiful and cheerful.